Wildfire Mental Health Resources
The Climate Psychology Alliance North America's Disaster Response Committee compiled these resources for people in acute climate disasters (wildfires, hurricanes, etc.), as well as mental health clinicians and individuals supporting people of all ages in climate crises.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Services
SAMHSA Disaster Technical Assistance Center
Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Online - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Help Kids Cope - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
PsySTART - (Psychological Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) A reliable triage tool for determining the right level of care for mental health response to disasters.
Hotlines for Those Directly Affected by Disasters
Disaster Distress Helpline for Immediate Crisis Counseling - SAMHSA
Resources for Families & Educators
Help Kids Cope - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
There Was A Hurricane - Hurricane Helene Book for Kids
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Helping Adults and Children Cope with a Disaster - American Psychiatric Association
What is Climate Distress & How can Parents Support Their Children?
What is Climate Distress & How can Educators Support Their Students?
The Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution - New World Library
Mental Health Resources for Those Directly Affected by Disasters
Compassionate Tips on Coping with Pet Loss - Center for Pet Loss Grief
PTSD Coach App - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Skills for Psychological Recovery - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Resources for Clinicians Serving Clients Affected by Crisis
The F.A.S.T. Lab - Stanford Medicine
PTSD Coach App - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Skills for Psychological Recovery - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
This illustration is widely used to help people visualize what happens after disaster.

Source: US Department of Homeland Security