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Climate-aware theapy

If you find yourself feeling so depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed by the climate crisis that you’re struggling to stay afloat or stay in the work, it might be a great time to call a climate-aware therapist. In recent years, a conscious group of psychotherapists, social workers, and psychiatrists have come together to help people live more comfortably with their climate-awareness through diverse methods and practices. 

These therapists are special in the sense that they will never pathologize one’s eco-distress or dismiss it as catastrophic thinking, whereas other therapists sometimes do (which ends up leaving people feeling misunderstood, alienated, and many times worse). They understand this distress to be a natural and reasonable reaction to what is happening — a sign of one’s connection to and care for the world — at the same time that they provide perspectives, tools, and techniques for coping with it. 

Some starting places to find climate-aware mental health professionals:​​

Explore more resources:

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