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Sobre nós

Unthinkable é uma organização sem fins lucrativos que aborda a crise de saúde mental dentro da crise climática.

We are building the movement towards public awareness of how to cope, connect, and make change amid escalating climate distress.

Our Goal

Build millions of resilient mindsets to catalyze a climate-safe future.

What we do

Our work focuses on connecting individuals and groups to resources they can use for their own coping, resilience and changemaking. It emphasizes co-benefits or “win-win” solutions for both the emotional/mental strain people are experiencing alongside opportunities to mitigate and adapt to climate impacts. 

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Nossa Visão

Um mundo cheio de milhões de pessoas que entendem sua eco-angústia como supercombustível, e que permitiram que seus sentimentos remodelassem significativamente as partes mais profundas de si mesmas, é saúde com outro nome. É também o mundo mais conectado ambientalmente, socialmente justo e frutífero que poderíamos desejar construir a partir daqui.


Nós somos:

  • Pró-ciência, pró-comunidade, pró-falar sobre nossos sentimentos de forma aberta e honesta, e normalizar conversas sobre saúde mental e bem-estar

  • Para todos: leigos, especialistas, todas as origens, todas as nações, todas as idades, veteranos do movimento climático e aqueles que estão dando os primeiros passos neste espaço

  • Interseccional e consciente de como a crise climática exacerba outros sistemas de opressão, como racismo, capacitismo, misoginia, homofobia e classismo

  • Da crença de que a crise climática exige que nos tornemos adeptos do activismo interno para abordar eficazmente o problema a longo prazo, de formas concretas e sustentáveis

We exist to help people:

  • Find community and connection with like-minded people, and feel less alone in their worry, distress, or anger

  • Identify coping strategies and existentially robust mindsets that can support you as we collectively move through considerable change

  • Figure out how to funnel your concern into meaningful climate action that fits your unique talents and pleasures 

  • Learn about the incredible work people are doing all around the world at the intersection of climate and mental health

We are not:

  • Debating whether the climate crisis is real

  • Shaming, silencing, or stigmatizing people struggling with mental health nor those who may feel numb and not very emotional about the climate crisis

  • Taking an “only hope allowed” approach that blocks difficult thoughts and feelings from being voiced; we believe that the full spectrum of climate emotions matter for social change and transformation, whether that includes optimism, joy, outrage, fear, grief, or despair

  • Chastising people who are only now waking up to the severity of the climate crisis. We need everybody, while also recognizing that everybody arrives in their own time

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