All We Can Save - A nonprofit organization focused on nurturing the feminist climate movement by supporting women climate leaders and promoting solutions rooted in justice and compassion.
American Psychological Association - The leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, which has addressed the mental health impacts of climate change through reports and resources.
Billion Minds - An organization dedicated to helping individuals develop skills and habits to thrive in the modern workplace, emphasizing productivity and well-being.
Carbon Conversations - A program offering supportive group discussions to help people reduce their personal carbon footprints and engage with the emotional aspects of climate change.
Centre for Climate Psychology - An institution focused on understanding and addressing the psychological dimensions of climate change, promoting emotional resilience and sustainable behavior.
CERI (Climate Emotional Resilience Institute) - An organization dedicated to building emotional resilience in individuals and communities facing the psychological impacts of climate change.
Climate & Mind - A website providing resources and discussions on the intersection of climate change and mental health, aiming to foster psychological well-being in the face of environmental challenges.
Climate Cares - A collaboration focused on supporting mental health and well-being in the context of climate change, offering research and practical solutions.
The Climate Optimist - An initiative encouraging positive engagement with climate action, highlighting solutions and fostering a hopeful outlook on addressing climate challenges.
Climate Coaching Alliance - A global community of coaches, psychologists, and other professionals collaborating to support transformative action on climate change through coaching practices.
Climate Critical - A group dedicated to critical discussions and analyses of climate policies and actions, advocating for effective and equitable climate solutions.
Climate Mental Health Network - An nonprofit addressing the mental health impacts of climate change, providing resources and support for those affected.
Climate Psychiatry Alliance - A professional group of psychiatrists focused on understanding and addressing the mental health effects of climate change.
Climate Psychology Alliance (North America) - An organization dedicated to exploring and addressing the psychological dimensions of climate change, offering resources and support for mental health professionals and the public.
Climate Spring - A platform fostering dialogue and action on climate change through events, workshops, and community engagement, with a particular focus on storytelling and filmmaking to inspire change.
Connecting Climate Minds - An initiative focused on bringing together professionals and researchers to collaborate on the mental health aspects of climate change.
COP2 - A movement advocating for a people's climate conference to drive ambitious climate action and hold leaders accountable.
Council on the Uncertain Human Future - A group convening conversations among diverse thinkers to reflect on the profound uncertainties of the human future in the face of climate change.
Creatives for Climate - A collective of creative professionals leveraging their skills to inspire action and drive solutions to the climate crisis.
DearTomorrow - A platform where individuals write letters to loved ones about their hopes and fears regarding climate change, fostering personal commitment to climate action.
Decolonizing Therapy - An initiative focused on addressing the impacts of colonialism within therapeutic practices, including the intersections with environmental justice and climate change.
EcoAnxious Stories - A project sharing personal narratives of eco-anxiety to build community and resilience in the face of environmental concerns.
The Eco-Anxiety Africa Project - An initiative aimed at addressing eco-anxiety in African communities through education, storytelling, and mental health support.
Extinction Rebellion Psychologists - A group of psychologists supporting the Extinction Rebellion movement by providing mental health resources and addressing the psychological aspects of climate activism
Full List A - Z
Consulta Ecopsicopedia
Una fuente confiable de investigaciones y reflexiones actuales sobre cómo los factores psicológicos impulsan la crisis climática, cómo el empeoramiento de la crisis nos afecta psicológicamente y qué podemos hacer al respecto.