À propos de nous
Unthinkable est une organisation à but non lucratif qui s’attaque à la crise de la santé mentale dans le cadre de la crise climatique.
Nous construisons un mouvement de sensibilisation du public sur la manière de faire face, de se connecter et d’apporter des changements dans un contexte de détresse climatique croissante.
La crise climatique est devenue la première menace pour la santé publique.
It will severely distress and traumatize many more of our communities if leaders do not make deep seated changes to how the climate is protected, faster and more effectively than has ever been done before. We can’t afford to wait for them to do the right thing, so Unthinkable was created to help people take shared ownership over their own mental health and wellbeing in ways that co-benefit climate action.
Nous sommes:
Pour la science, pour la communauté, pour parler ouvertement et honnêtement de nos sentiments et pour normaliser les conversations sur la santé mentale et le bien-être
Pour tous : profanes, experts, tous horizons, toutes nations, tous âges, vétérans du mouvement climatique et ceux qui font leurs premiers pas dans cet espace
Intersectionnel et conscient de la façon dont la crise climatique exacerbe d'autres systèmes d'oppression, comme le racisme, le capacitisme, la misogynie, l'homophobie et le classisme
De la conviction que la crise climatique exige que nous devenions experts en activisme interne pour résoudre efficacement le problème sur le long terme, de manière concrète et durable
We exist to help people:
Find community and connection with like-minded people, and feel less alone in their worry, distress, or anger
Identify coping strategies and existentially robust mindsets that can support you as we collectively move through considerable change
Figure out how to funnel your concern into meaningful climate action that fits your unique talents and pleasures
Learn about the incredible work people are doing all around the world at the intersection of climate and mental health
Nous ne sommes pas :
Debating whether the climate crisis is real
Shaming, silencing, or stigmatizing people struggling with mental health nor those who may feel numb and not very emotional about the climate crisis
Taking an “only hope allowed” approach that blocks difficult thoughts and feelings from being voiced; we believe that the full spectrum of climate emotions matter for social change and transformation, whether that includes optimism, joy, outrage, fear, grief, or despair
Chastising people who are only now waking up to the severity of the climate crisis. We need everybody, while also recognizing that everybody arrives in their own time
To really admit climate, to really, really admit that you understand what is happening to the planet, it will break your heart. If you don’t cry deep, hard tears for the state of this planet and all of the people on it, you don’t yet understand the problem. And so once you get to that place, the only thing that can bring you out of that kind of darkness is belief in something greater than yourself. And for me, it is that spiritual connection. For me, it is understanding a greater purpose.
- Colette Pichon Battle
in her interview with Krista Tippett for On Being