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About Us

Our Mission

We create, amplify, and connect people to courageous storytelling, education, tools, peer-support, mental health resources, wellbeing practices, and climate-aware community that can strengthen psychological resilience in the climate crisis. We aim to advance the public conversation around climate change and mental health for the widespread benefit of all communities and ecosystems, enlarging the possibility for future generations to thrive.  

The situation we're in is Unthinkable.

The scale and scope of trauma and toxic stresses being caused by the climate crisis are themselves unthinkable. We’ve had the very best thinking devoted to solving this crisis for decades, and yet, emissions are still going up, disasters are compounding, and more people are becoming climate migrants. 

We need approaches that go beyond narrow technocratic and scientific thinking, that venture into the felt, psychological, somatic, imaginative, and generative possibilities of moving hearts and minds.

We need inclusive, community-minded approaches to respond to the collapse of living systems with proportional emotional maturity, responsibility, love and care. And we need to tend to our mental health along the way. 

Image by Annie Spratt

We are:

  • Pro-science, pro-community, pro-talking about our feelings openly and honestly, and normalizing conversations about mental health and wellbeing

  • For everyone: laypeople, experts, all backgrounds, all nations, all ages, veterans of the climate movement and those taking their first steps into this space 

  • Intersectional and awake to how the climate crisis exacerbates other systems of oppression, like racism, ableism, misogyny, homophobia, and classism

  • Of the belief that the climate crisis requires that we become adept at internal activism to effectively address the problem over the long haul in concrete and sustainable ways

We exist to help people:

  • Find community and connection with like-minded people, and feel less alone in their worry, distress, or anger

  • Identify coping strategies and existentially robust mindsets that can support you as we collectively move through considerable change

  • Figure out how to funnel your concern into meaningful climate action that fits your unique talents and pleasures 

  • Learn about the incredible work people are doing all around the world at the intersection of climate and mental health

We are not:

  • Debating whether the climate crisis is real

  • Shaming, silencing, or stigmatizing people struggling with mental health nor those who may feel numb and not very emotional about the climate crisis

  • Taking an “only hope allowed” approach that blocks difficult thoughts and feelings from being voiced; we believe that the full spectrum of climate emotions matter for social change and transformation, whether that includes optimism, joy, outrage, fear, grief, or despair

  • Chastising people who are only now waking up to the severity of the climate crisis. We need everybody, while also recognizing that everybody arrives in their own time

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